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Perspective changes everything in life. Many people think they can’t live without something, or they couldn’t imagine being able to live a certain way. The truth is, humans are capable of living in many different ways, with many different things and without many different things. The reason we think we couldn’t live without something is because we’ve never been forced to live without it. Living with that something is all we have ever known. It could be a loved one, it could be a possession, it could be a talent, it could be an appearance.

Therefore, we often times take these things for granted. Many people go through life thinking they couldn’t live without something and they ultimately never have to live without that something. Unfortunately, this is not the case for others. They think they can’t go on living until they have to. Yes, their life may change completely if they lose a loved one, but they continue to survive. They also have newfound perspective that often times leads them to live differently. They might become a completely different person in the process depending on the circumstances that have occured in their life.

But, the perspective that is gained usually changes people for the better. That’s why I believe it is important to try to tap into that perspective now, before something happens and it is forced on us. I think we should not take things for granted.

For example, most people take for granted the process of going to the restroom. It’s a seemingly simple process that we learn as young children. But, if you’ve ever had to have ostomy procedure, you soon realize that there is a completely new way of going to the restroom. You’re no longer going to go into a restroom to pass stool. Instead, a bag will be attached to your abdomen to collect the stool your body is passing.

The good thing is, there are plenty of ostomy supplies that help simplify this process. Without these supplies, the ostomy care procedure probably wouldn’t be able to exist in the first place. So, the next time you have to go number one or number two, take a minute to reflect at how thankful you are that you don’t have to use the restroom by means of Hollister ostomy supplies. Perspective changes how we live this life. We should tune into perspective before it tunes up itself on us.

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